Office Jobs Are Hilarious – These Photos Prove It

Published on May 15, 2018

Office Jobs Are Hilarious – These Photos Prove It

Getting an online degree might get you an office job. But getting an office job doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll get a boring job. Take a look at the most hilarious and creative office workers out there.

While working in an office might seem like the dullest thing a person can do (save counting blades of grass while your wife is going into labor), sometimes it turns out that it can be a lot more fun than that. There must be some fun element to working in a big space with lots of little cubicles, no? In some way it’s like you’re all in the same game, each person just trying to get ahead. So putting employees in these office spaces is supposed to create a sense of openness, a sense of team, and eventually max power output.

If you just giggled a little, then we’re on the same page. I personally sit here typing away as others around me speak loudly about a song contest that doesn’t really interest anyone in the office, but hey, we need to talk about something. Ah, the office life! But before we make it seem like working in an office is like getting an online degree while studying with caged bears, let’s take a look at just how ridiculously hilarious it is to work with others in an office.

In this gallery you’ll see people bringing their creative genius to the floor… to the desk, to the walls and to the fridge. Oh, and how could we forget the printer? Whoever said that working in an office is a dull job, has probably never had the real experience themselves.

There are definitely some great life lessons to learn here, and one of them is, when you leave the office for a vacation, be prepared… be very prepared! While you’re away enjoying the beach and clearing your mind from any worries, your colleagues are plotting the best way to make you pay for that special vacation you’re taking.

Now before I get totally carried away with this introduction, let’s jump into this gallery of the funniest and most ridiculous things you can find in an office. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself applying for a new job after this… in or not in an office.

Just Do It

What was Natalie to think when she saw the rock face-up on her desk? Any curious office worker would turn it over. Moral of the story, don’t ever do what a rock tells you to do.

Just Do It

Just Do It