Attending a graphic design college isn’t necessary to acquire the skills to make these hilarious animal face-swap photos. We have no idea who put these comical images together, all we know is that they are roll-on-the-floor hilarious and we appreciate the people who brought happy tears to our eyes.
“Atta Boy!”
We all need a guide-dog in our lives to teach us how to master our favorite sport. Tim over here was lucky enough to have a coach that could teach him how to fetch the ball correctly and how to successfully paws the ball across the football field. Tim still needs to learn not to bury the ball each time he gets it.
At Kittygarten
“Show and tell” at young Andy’s kindergarten took quite a turn when he came as kitty and kitty as Andy. “Gee whiskers!” exclaimed the teacher when she saw the cat-astrophic change in her student. Freaky Friday would end once Andy went back home.