Wild Stories When Social Media Actually Made The World Better

Published on January 22, 2020
Of course, technology and social media are not always the best things for us. However, there have been a number of times that social media brought people together for the good. To remind you that it isn’t all bad, we gathered three unique stories from times social media really enriched the lives of people. Enjoy and try not to cry!

‘Words With Friends, An Adorable Social Media Friendship

Even though Harlem rapper Spencer Sleyon’s tweet sums this story up quite well, we’ll give you some background. Apparently, the 22 year old began playing 81 year old retiree Rosalind Guttmann of Florida on a social media game called Words with Friends. Using the random game option, these two unlikely friends were matched. They ended up talking using the game’s chat feature. Sleyon told the Daily News about one memorable word Guttmann played that first sparked conversation, “She played the word ‘phat’…that sparked a conversation. When she played that I was like, ‘yo, how do you know that?’ — and we laughed, she told me she has grandkids.” From there, they became fast friends and spoke about everything from Curb Your Enthusiasm to life advice. A pastor helped sponsor his trip to meet Guttman in real life. When they posted their story online, the world went wild over the adorable friendship.

Words With Friends Leads To Adorable Friendship

Words With Friends. An Adorable Social Media Friendship

Reunited With Family After 60 Years Thanks To Social Media

Back in 1954, Allan Healy and Margaret Mitchell’s parents divorced and the siblings lost contact. The family had been living together in Dundee, Scotland. Their father took Allan and brother Stewart to Plymouth. For most of their lives they were living about 500 miles apart. Thanks to social media, everything changed 60 years later. Desperate to find his sister, Allan ran into a dead end because of Scotland’s data protection system, so he tried Facebook. Using an old photo of the two, he embarked on his search. Actually, his sister was also utilizing social media to search for him. Thus, when she came across Allan Healy with that old photo set as his profile picture, she knew she found her brother. So, sixty years later they reunited in Dundee. His 88 year old mother was also there and remembered him, despite her Alzheimer’s disease.

Reunited With Family After 60 Years Thanks To Social Media

Reunited With Family After 60 Years Thanks To Social Media

Couple Marries After Meeting On Social Media Because Of Facebook Glitch

Today, lots of couples get together through social media dating apps or websites. However, this couple did not meet online in the conventional way. In 2009, a strange Facebook glitch caused Schuler Benson to be logged into a random woman’s account. Benson was unable to log out. Thus, he posted statuses on Celeste Zendler’s page to request help. Apparently, the two needed to friend each other on Facebook to fix the problem. While resolving the glitch, the two discovered they had a lot in common. So four years after, they met up. In 2014, Benson logged into Celeste Zendler’s Facebook once more to post a picture of an engagement ring! How sweet. Now, they’re married. So, thanks social media!

Couple Marries After Meeting On Social Media Because Of Facebook Glitch

Couple Marries After Meeting On Social Media Because Of Facebook Glitch