Woman Wears 15 Brass Rings Around Neck For 5 Years, See Her Now

Published on July 24, 2022

Unexpected Empowerment Message

During Sydney’s confusion, she saw Lady Gaga, who helped inspire her decision, though indirectly. The music icon was in concert and wearing a “meat dress” to fight for a cause. The message made Sydney believe she should stand up for her beliefs, and that included the rings around the neck.

Unexpected Empowerment Message

Unexpected Empowerment Message

Difficult Transformation

2011 marked Sydney’s official journey beginning. She was old enough to make her decision, and a friend created customized rings. Her friend soldered a few coils around the neck, but it caused her skin to burn. Still, she only cared about bringing out her inner giraffe.

Difficult Transformation

Difficult Transformation