Father Son Moment
The original photo is absolutely adorable, but the recreation is just impressive. The way these two has been able to perfectly recreate their facial expressions is amazing!

Father Son Moment
Goofing Around
These siblings are just as fond of goofing off now as they were when they were little kids. After finding the original picture, this brother and sister duo decided they could recreate their silly poses. The result is hilarious!

Goofing Around
A Little Messy
Posing for family photos is no easy feat, especially when children are involved. We can see how much of a struggle this family went through to get the perfect picture, and how things didn’t change much the next time they tried to get a group photo!

A Little Messy
Almost Got It
These siblings have been super close right from the start, and it’s really beautiful to see. Luckily, their relationship has not changed and they feel as close as ever. They decided to recreate this photo, but since they’ve grown, acro-yoga isn’t as easy this time around.

Almost Got It
Baking Time
Mommy’s little baking helper is all grown up now, but he’s still as much of a momma’s boy as ever! This time around, he decided to give a helping hand once again, but someone needs to tell him that he needs a bigger bowl!

Baking Time
Big Shoes To Fill
This sassy little girl grew up to become a strong-minded woman who doesn’t take anybody’s nonsense. Interestingly enough, her childhood outfit translates perfectly into today’s fashion, as mini dresses and boots are still very in style!

Big Shoes To Fill
Buried In The Sand
These silly little kids decided to fully bury themselves in the sand during their family vacation. Imagine their parents’ surprise and frustration when they took another beach trip years later, only to find their now-older kids up to their same old antics.

Buried In The Sand
Some things really don’t ever change, and that’s these kids’ food references. While they’re all grown up, it seems like their taste buds still prefer kids’ menu items like pizza and hamburgers. Honestly though, we don’t blame them!

Don’t Mind Me Here
This adorable big brother is holding up his younger brother pretty precariously, but at least he’s doing so lovingly. The second time around, the younger brother is still in quite a bit of danger of slipping off.

Don’t Mind Me Here
A Difference In Height
Just because you’re the shortest brother while growing up, it doesn’t mean you should give up hope! Just take a look at these brothers. The tallest brother ended up being the shortest, while the former runt of the family towers over them all.

A Difference In Height
A Little Bigger Now
There’s a really good reason that dogs are called “man’s best friend.” We can see this best friend duo has truly grown up together. As the boy grew into a man and his puppy grew into a full-sized dog, these two have stuck by each other’s side through thick and thin.

A Little Bigger Now
Growing Up Together
Similarly, this little boy’s best friend was always his fluffy little dog. Even though the boy has outgrown his footie pajamas, he has definitely not outgrown his love for his fluffy little best friend.

Growing Up Together
Just As Terrifying
“Creative” doesn’t even begin to describe this little boy’s antics. Running around the house screaming was the norm in his house while he was growing up…and it looks like he’s up to the same shenanigans as a grown up as well.

Just As Terrifying
Make It Fashion
Fashion is in this little girl’s DNA. These kind of skills can’t be taught, you have to be born with this level of confidence and sass. Luckily, she has not lost her flair as she’d grown up, and could perfectly recreate this fierce photoshoot of her childhood.

Make It Fashion
Helmet Hair
Hey there space cadet! Sometimes our parents make questionable choices with our hair when we’re kids, and this guy wasn’t afraid to poke some fun at the hair of his youth. To recreate the look, he has put on a literal helmet!

Helmet Hair
Road Trip
Nothing says road trip like some good quality time with our loved ones…and their feet. While these kids have all grown up, they still love spending time with one another, and they still put up with their younger brother’s stinky feet. That’s love!

Road Trip
Scary Santa
Some kids really don’t like the annual visit with their local mall’s Santa Clause, as is evident with the terrified kid on his lap in 1999. 14 years later, the siblings came back, only to find that Santa looks a little bit different. They were just as disturbed this time around.

Scary Santa
Bath Time Fun
These kids’ parents figured out a great way to save money on their water bill. Who can blame them? With five kids, things must get expensive! As the kids grew up, they understood how much their parents sacrificed for them, and so they decided to recreate this photo as a fun joke.

Bath Time Fun
Father Knows Best
These three boys have always looked up to their dad. He’s their hero, and always has been. Therefore, they decided they wanted to recreate their favorite childhood photo with him. However, the “baby” of the family has grown quite a bit, but their dad seems to still be up to the task of holding him up!

Father Knows Best
Hold Me Closer
Some siblings don’t get along at all, whether they’re kids or they’re adults. These boys are as close as can be, even through adulthood. However, the youngest brother seems to be upset that he clearly doesn’t fit onto the chair along with his brothers.

Hold Me Closer
Some Things Never Change
There is nothing like a good bowl of spaghetti with tomato sauce. This little girl grew up loving her noodles and has become a noodle-guzzling adult as well. One thing we’d suggest to her is learning how to use a napkin. It’s cute when you’re a kid, not so much when you’re a grownup!

Some Things Never Change
Nap Time
Do you ever get so tired that you simply can’t resist falling asleep literally anywhere and any way possible? This kid couldn’t even make it to the bed with his whole body, so he just left his feet on the ground. While recreating this photo, the grown up boy found that it was much harder to sleep on his kneecaps.

Nap Time
Still Fit
In this adorable recreation of a childhood favorite, this girl wanted to make sure she found a basket that she could fit into so she could have the same effect. She was so committed to the recreation that she even found a similar wallpaper for the background!

Still Fit
Still Loving Ice Cream
These siblings have always bonded over a shared love of ice cream. Not only that, they all were fond of a specific soft serve cotton candy flavor. While they all live far away from each other now, they still get together every year to enjoy their favorite cone of blue ice cream together.

Still Loving Ice Cream
Still Sleepy
Taking care of a newborn baby is not easy task. Just ask any new parent. This dad will definitely attest to that. However, it seems like his grown up son is just as taxing on his dad’s energy. He’s even perfectly recreated his same tired face.

Still Sleepy
That Hair Though
Once we’ve grown up, sometimes we question our parents fashion and hair decisions for us when we were kids. These boys are the total opposite. Not only did they like their parents’ choices, they’ve decided to keep the same hairstyles but added beards too. They’ve even thrown on a pair of denim overalls in order to recreate their favorite childhood photo.

That Hair Though
The Brothers
It still seems unclear to many of us why so many parents force their kids to sit through hours of photoshoots only to come up with silly looking photos. These brothers decided to show their parents just how ridiculous it looks by recreating this photo as adults. Not as cute as when they were little, right?

The Brothers
The Changing Times
This recreation shows how much has changed throughout the years. The home that was being built is now finished, the young boy has grown into a fully grown adult, and the father has become an old man. The only thing that remains the same is their father-son bond, signified by their hands clasped together.

The Changing Times
The Family Portrait
This clearly improved family portrait captures the family as they truly are, a little bit chaotic but very loving. Not much has changed over the years, and so this family decided it was time to recreate their infamous family photo, with hilarious results.

The Family Portrait
The Know It All
The boy on the right loves showing off his artwork and knowledge about famous artists, much to the chagrin of his brother. While the artwork has changed, the know it all has remained, and his brother is just as annoyed as ever.

The Know It All
The Mud Run
Running around in the mud is quite the fun activity, regardless of your age. These boys loved playing around in the mud as little kids, and seem to love it just as much as grown men. Here’s to many more years of fun brotherhood!

The Mud Run
The Same Baby Doll
Getting your daughter a baby doll and then finding an outfit to match the doll perfectly may seem like a cute idea. However, not every little girl wants a doll version of herself. Her opinion did not change much throughout the years, and she begrudgingly recreated this photo in order to show just how ridiculous she thought the whole thing was.

The Same Baby Doll
The Same Stairs
These silly brothers let their personalities shine through in this hilarious perfectly captured photo. They decided to recreate it down to the same pose and facial expression. The fact that the house has been through some renovations doesn’t seem to bother these brothers one bit.

The Same Stairs
True Love
This adorable couple decided that in honor of their anniversary, they wanted to try to recreate this photo from their first year together. They’ve managed to track down the same car and have taken this sweet photo together after all their years as a couple.

True Love
Still Excited
This little cowboy is having a grand old time riding on his rocking horse along with his straw cowboy hat. Even when he grew up, he remembered how much fun he had, so he decided to commemorate his favorite toy by recreating this photo that conveys his excitement, and he rediscovered the joy of the rocking horse.

Still Excited
The Struggle Is Real
This little boy was so excited that he has become a big brother that he couldn’t wait to hold his baby brother all by himself. He quickly found out that this was a harder task than he imagined. While recreating this sweet photo, the older brother still struggled to hold up his baby brother.

The Struggle Is Real
Her Dream Came True
While growing up, this little girl always dreamed of becoming a police officer. She even got a little stuffed dog as her K9 companion. Years later, she realized her dream by becoming a policewoman! She even has a real German Shepard at her size. Good for her!

Her Dream Came True
Colorful Outfits
These siblings never let anything get in their way of having a fun time together. They decided to layer on the colorful clothing and their parents snapped a picture as evidence. Years later, they decided to try the same thing, and still had a blast together.

Colorful Outfits
School Photo Day
This girl was not exactly excited for picture day, and her dislike for the yearly tradition is clearly expressed on her face. When she reached high school, she decided it would be a great idea to recreate the photo for her school ID photo.

School Photo Day
Drinking Milk Helps You Grow
If your brother is drinking milk from a bottle in his late twenties then that would be quite something, wouldn’t it? These brothers even went as far as trying to wear typical mismatched 80s clothing similar to the original photo.

Drinking Milk Helps You Grow
Three Boys And A Mom
This mom of three seems just as close to her boys as she was 20 years ago. It has now become a tradition to reenact this photo with their mom every year on their dad’s birthday. Quite a nice tradition actually.

Three Boys And A Mom
So Much Love
There’s nothing better than having a new baby brother or sister. Older siblings always love to cuddle with the new baby. And it seems the love between these two is still strong. They may be older but they’re brothers for life.

So Much Love
Mommy’s Boys
These brothers decided to reenact a photo taken 18 years ago and their mom was in absolute stitches watching them. They said they hadn’t seen her laugh so hard in almost as many years. Boys will always be boys!

Mommy’s Boys
Not As Cute
Somehow when siblings and cousins share a bath you just can’t help but have an “Aww” moment and bring out the camera to capture it. When its a bunch of grown men it isn’t so cute anymore, but it is funny though.

Not As Cute
Boys Will Be Boys
Kids always like to get into small spaces, especially when it involves squeezing in with your brothers or sisters. These boys looked so angelic in their childhood photo, but you can see their funny side in their reenactment.

Boys Will Be Boys
Friends For Life
These three boys have been friends for over a decade and you can see they’re just as mischievous as they were all those years ago. Its good to see that their friendship has only continued to grow.

Friends For Life
Time For A Bath
Talk about brotherly love. These funny brothers went as far as squeezing into a small bath together just to reenact their childhood photo. Will they even be able to get out of there they’re squeezed in so tightly?

Time For A Bath
A Tight-Knit Family
We love seeing the progression throughout the years of these siblings. From the hair to the clothes. From the kids, the only smiling was the brother, so either they were forced to take this photo or they’re just happier now as adults.

A Tight Knit Family
My, How They Have Grown
Nothing tells you that your baby boy has grown up than having him walk in with a chest covered in body art. It looks like the baby brother turned out to be the bigger brother after all. And Softlan is still around?

My, How They Have Grown
Roles Reversed
This is a weird reenactment that almost feels like it’s a mirror image of the original. First, you see the older brother holding his baby sister at his graduation. When the baby sister graduates, she’s the one holding her brother.

Roles Reversed
Size Doesn’t Matter
There has been a serious rearrangement of height in this family. This just shows you that you shouldn’t worry if you’re the shortest when you’re a kid. The time will come when you will catch and even overtake your siblings.

Size Doesn’t Matter
Power Ranger Wannabes
It looks like these siblings wanted to be just like the Power Rangers as kids. Well, at least they were trying to act like them. It’s great to see siblings that can have fun together no matter what age they are.

Power Ranger Wannabes
Flex Those Muscles
Can you just imagine how loud and boisterous this household must have been having four boys living in it? Nothing much has changed it seems, except now they’re bigger and stronger. They’ll still always be mommy’s precious boys.

Flex Those Muscles
Merry Christmas Everybody
Even 19 years later this trio loves Christmas and everything that comes with it. There’s nothing better than spending the holidays with family. Goofing around with your brothers is always a must on these special occasions or anytime really.

Merry Christmas Everybody
Strong Like An Ox
Most kids believe that their dad is a superhero who’s strong and brave. Now we see that this dad is truly their strong and brave hero because to hold two fully grown adults on either side takes some real strength.

Strong Like An Ox
Nativity Scene
What’s Christmas without people reenacting the nativity scene? Well, this family did a fantastic job of it. The newborn baby was the perfect fit to act as baby Jesus. As adults, it’s just hilarious, especially the lamb!

Nativity Scene
Some Fun In The Fall
Who hasn’t played with a pile of leaves, burying your sibling in the fall season? These sisters decided to dive right into this pile like they used to do as kids. Not sure if it’s as much fun as adults?

Some Fun In The Fall
Not Impressed
The little boy on the right was clearly not impressed that he had to pose for a photo. His graduation from kindergarten was clearly not a big deal for him. At least the matching shirts made for a good photo.

Not Impressed
Messing Around In A Bucket
When you were small, it was fun to squeeze anywhere. These brothers were either bathing in these buckets or cooling off on a hot summer’s day. They decided to reenact this photo as a gift for their mom for her birthday.

Messing Around In A Bucket
A Boy And His Dog
Here you can see how the little boy and his dog have grown up together. It’s so special to see the bond between a pet and its owner. Both photos were taken on New Year’s Eve whilst together with his older brother.

A Boy And His Dog
You’re The Piano Man
There’s nothing like spending quality time with your family. What’s even better is when you can share that time together while creating something as a group. Here this musically talented family kept the tradition alive all these years.

You’re The Piano Man
Keeping The Tradition
It’s always nice to see families keeping up with their yearly traditions. When these little girls set up a birthday cake for their dad, their mom snapped a sweet picture of the moment. They loved it so much, they decided to recreate this exact moment years later.

Keeping The Tradition
Just Loungin’
You know what they say, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it! These two have had the secret to the easy breezy life since they were little boys, and they’ve kept their laidback beach attitudes until now.

Just Loungin’
Dad Finally Got The Memo
Either this dad is absolutely terrified that his kids have not grown up at all, or back in the day he missed the memo that he was supposed to pretend that he was scared. Either way, kudos to the sweatshirt kids for recreating this one.

Dad Finally Got The Memo
A Sibling Thing
These two are serious contenders for the “cutest siblings ever” award. How cute are they? They did a great job at recreating their exact outfits, with the brother’s black, white, and red collard shirt, to the sister’s hairstyle and headband.

A Sibling Thing
Same Sisters
You can quite literally tell that these sisters have always been close. Just look how closely they’re holding on to one another! It’s absolutely adorable that they’ve recreated this touching photo so many years later.

Same Sisters
Same Siblings, Same Expressions
The more siblings you have, the less likely you’ll all be able to get together at the same time once you’ve grown up and moved away from home. However, this group of brothers and sisters can’t stand to be apart from one another for too long. They decided to recreate this photo, right down to their facial expressions. Nicely played.

Same Siblings, Same Expressions
A Modern Christmas
While these siblings have done a fantastic job recreating their poses and even including their pets in these Christmas photos, sometimes photo recreations show just how much has changed. Their childhood home was sold, and now they celebrate Christmas together at their parents new downsized place.

A Modern Christmas
Still Can Sit On Your Shoulders
These adorable brothers have remained super close throughout all the years. They came across this photo from their childhood and they decided it was time to recreate it. When it came to the sitting on the shoulders pose, it was not even a question of whether they would do it or not.

Still Can Sit On Your Shoulders
Only Slightly Older…
These three brothers looked alike when they were kids…and that really has not changed much throughout the years. Two of the brothers even have identical beards, so maybe it’s time for brother #3 to grow out his facial hair too.

Only Slightly Older…
Still Hate Those Outfits
It’s clear from almost all of these siblings’ facial expressions that they are not very pleased with the outfits their parents have put them in. We get it, we’d be crying too. All those years later, the siblings could still perfectly channel the feeling of disgust and disappointment.

Still Hate Those Outfits
Bedtime Story
Sally and Bobby absolutely loved their nightly routine of having their dad read them a bedtime story. In fact, they love it so much that they continue this tradition to this very day. It looks like they’re all still having a great time together.

Bedtime Story
The Incredible Slinky
The slinky is one of the world’s greatest toy inventions. How does it move around like that?! These kids were absolutely amazed by it back in the day, and from the looks of it, they still haven’t managed to figure out the slinky’s secret.

The Incredible Slinky
Just As Awkward
While the original photo was taken, these boys’ awkward poses looked adorable, especially due to their oversized dress clothes. All those years later, the poses are as awkward as ever. Hey, at least their pants fit them a lot better now.

Just As Awkward
Under The Sea
There is nothing quite like the joy of taking children to Disneyworld and meeting their favorite character. What better than to recreate this moment 20 years later? We hope that one little girl got over her fear of mermaids.

Under The Sea
Sittin’ Pretty
These siblings have always been close as we can see from their adorable childhood photo. All these years later, they’re looking a little different, considering all the facial hair and tattoos, but at least their sense of fun is still around.

Sittin’ Pretty
No Braces Here
This girl’s parents clearly did not want to invest in fixing her teeth, but it doesn’t seem like she cares very much. At least her brother was genetically gifted with a better set of pearly whites.

No Braces Here
Sharing Is Caring
We can see that the lesson of learning how to share your toys never really permeated with this little girl. Even as a grown up, she gets excited by hogging the inflatable car and running away from her brother. It does look fun.

Sharing Is Caring
Feeling Groovy
Who else remembers the joys of the walkman? These two kids are blissed out by the groovy music and tie-dye tapestry behind them. All those years later, they’re still enjoying it together.

Feeling Groovy
Quality Time With Gran
There’s nothing like spending time with your grandparents. These kids are lucky enough that their grandmother is still around all those years later. They better keep cherishing the time with her.

Quality Time With Gran