Movie Lines Never Meant For The Final Cut

Published on March 27, 2018

So, this isn’t just another article about celebrity dating or style tips, no we have some pretty cool behind the scenes info on the biggest films! Turns out, many of the most iconic lines in film history were actually improvised. Now, get ready because this list may surprise you.

The Fugitive

Often times, incredible film moments come when the stars forget their lines. During The Fugitive, this exact thing even happened to the legendary actor Tommy Lee Jones when he starred opposite Harrison Ford. You recall the scene where Ford flees from Tommy Lee Jones and other authorities trying to capture him for a murder he didn’t commit. So while he screams he never murdered her, Jones responds back, “That isn’t my problem.” Apparently, the real line was, “I don’t care!”

The Fugitive

The Fugitive

Midnight Cowboy

On the set of Midnight Cowboy, something completely unplanned happened that elicited a totally off-script response from Dustin Hoffman. Despite the warning signs, a taxi driver didn’t see them and drove onto the live set, almost crashing into both Jon Voight and Dustin Hoffman. Thus, Hoffman responded with the now famous line, “I’m walking here!” The more you know…

Midnight Cowboy

Midnight Cowboy