Shining Silver
Shinig your best silver shouldn’t be a difficult task, and it doesn’t have to be. Use WD40 to help bring out that silver’s natural shine. Just spray some on and wipe it down.

Shining Silver
Separate Glasses Stuck Together
Have you ever tried to separate two glasses that have stuck themselves together? It’s extremely annoying to try to separate them. Apply some WD40 in between the glasses and watch how they finally become un-stuck.

Separate Glasses Stuck Together
Loosen Zippers
It seems like any time you’re in a rush, the zipper on your bag or pants seems to get completely stuck. This can be incredibly frustrating, but you can use WD40 to help loosen it up easily and quickly.

Loosen Zippers
Shoe Shine
White sneakers are very beautiful, but they can be tricky to maintain, as they can immediately look dirty. Keep your kicks bright and clean by spraying a bit of WD40 on them and then wiping away the dirt that may have accumulated over time.

Shoe Shine
Removing Tar Stains
WD40 is a secret weapon when it comes to cleaning things. You can truly clean a wide variety of surfaces and everyday items. Spray some WD40 on any tar stains that you might find on your car. You’ll be able to easily wipe it away.

Removing Tar Stains
Defrosting Ice
Watching snow fall from the comfort of your home can be very fun and relaxing, however if you need to get outside, that can quickly change. You can actually use WD40 to help you defrost ice that may have accumulated on any windows, whether on your car or your home.

Defrosting Ice
Revamping Scissors
If you’ve ever found yourself in the situation where you are trying to open up a package with a pair of scissors, only to discover that your scissors are completely stuck together, then listen up. Spray a bit of WD40 on the scissor blades and watch them come apart, rendering them usable once again.

Revamping Scissors
Protect Bird Feeders
If you’ve got some bird feeders in your backyard, then you are aware of the fact that many non-avian creatures will try to sneak some of that food for themselves. Spray a bit of WD40 on the sides and edges of the bird feeder so that it will become too slippery for the critters to climb on top of.

Protecting Bird Feeders
Ring Removal
Sizing your rings is important in order to make sure that they fit properly: not too snug, but not impossible to remove. However, sometimes you’ll find yourself in situations where it becomes difficult to take a ring off anyway. No need to panic, just spray some WD40 on your finger around the ring and easily pry it off your finger.

Ring Removal
Gum Removal
If you’ve ever been walking and suddenly felt that dreaded feeling of your shoe sticking to the ground a bit, then you’ve probably stepped in chewing gum. It’s very rude that people toss their used up gum on the ground, and it can be so annoying to clean from your shoes. You can help make the job easier by using a spray or two of WD40.

Gum Removal
Remove Lipstick Stains
While it can mean that you have an admirer, finding a lipstick stain has been left on your shirt is no fun because it can be tough to remove. You can pre-treat the lipstick stain by spraying some WD40 on the affected area in order to help get rid of the color.

Remove Lipstick Stains
Remove Crayon Stains
While we all love our kids’ artwork, we probably don’t love when the artwork leaves a ton of mess around the house. Ever turned the corner to find a crayon drawing on the wall? Don’t worry, you can take a picture and then spray some WD40 and wipe away the crayon without a hassle.

Remove Crayon Stains
Cleaning Stained Wood
A nice wooden table can easily be ruined by a ring stain left behind by a drink that was placed on the table without a coaster. Here’s another great time to use WD40. However, you should probably stock up on some coasters to avoid stains altogether.

Cleaning Stained Wood
Open Rusted Locks
Locks can help you keep storage sheds in the backyard secure and keep our belongings safe in a public locker. However, if you try to open the lock and you find that it is sealed shot, things can get pretty stressful. Use a bit of WD40 to help loosen up the lock.

Open Rusted Locks
Sticker Removal
Ever wondered how 5 years ago you thought you couldn’t live without that bumper sticker on the back of your car? If you’ve reached a point where you want to get rid of an unwanted bumper sticker, you might find that it can be tricky to remove. You can make this a lot easier on yourself by spraying some WD40 to help peel the sticker off of your car.

Sticker Removal
Unclog Shower Heads
A blocked shower head can ruin a relaxing shower in no time. There’s really almost nothing worse than a shower with weak pressure. WD40 can help in this situation as well. Spray some directly onto the shower head and get back to enjoying your shower again.

Unclog Shower Heads
Clean The A/C Unit
The air condition is hands down one of the best inventions of humankind. Without A/C, most of us would truly suffer come summer time. Make sure that you clean your A/C unit before you install it so you can make sure that it runs as well as possible.

Clean The A/C Unit
Remove Water Stains
Glass shower doors have become quite popular and can add a touch of elegance to any bathroom. However, the only annoying thing about these is that water stains can get left behind on the doors. If you’ve tried vigorously scrubbing to no avail, try to spray some WD40. It should help you get rid of these stains. You can also clean the doors before the stains happen in order to avoid them altogether.

Remove Water Stains
Temporary Phone Screen Fix
We’ve all been there: you drop your beloved phone on the ground only to hear that dreaded cracking sound. If you’ve shattered your phone screen, some people have claimed that spraying some WD40 can help temporarily until you get the screen replaced.

Temporary Phone Screen Fix
Clean The Fridge Gasket
If you’ve never stopped to think about that rubber that keeps the fridge door sealed, then it’s probably time to clean it. Like, right now. You can use WD40 to get it really clean, which is important as that gunk that accumulates can make the seal less effective, which can ruin your food.

Clean The Fridge Gasket
Bug Repellant
Did you know that you could use WD40 as bug repellant? While cockroaches are known for surviving almost anything, spraying WD40 around the whole can prevent them from entering your territory in general.

Bug Repellant
Remove Gum Out Of Hair
If you’ve ever gotten gum stuck in your hair, you know just how difficult it is to get out. While some people might immediately take out a pair of scissors, we’re here to tell you that you can actually use WD40 to help you remove the gum without having to part ways with any one of your hairs.

Remove Gum Out Of Hair
Clean A License Plate
It’s okay, you can admit it, you’ve probably never cleaned your license plate. It’s alright, it’s not really on the top of anyone’s cleaning list. It’s still important to do every once in a while. You can use WD40 to help easily wipe away any dirt that has accumulated in your everyday drives.

Clean A License Plate
Remove Super Glue
Super glue is, well, super sticky. It’s right there in the name. Sometimes that can include your fingers, which can be quite difficult to deal with, not to mention painful. You can help remove super glue by spraying some WD40 on the spot.

Remove Super Glue
Clean Guitar Strings
Every guitar player knows that it is crucial to keep your instrument clean and maintained in order to keep it in top shape for years to come. Of course, what’s a guitar without its strings? You can use WD40 on a rag to clean the strings by gently wiping them down.

Clean Guitar Strings
Prevent Splinters On Brooms & Rakes
You probably don’t know this but WD40 can sometimes be used as a varnish. Spray some onto your broom and rake handles in order to prevent them from splintering and keep them on hand for much longer.

Prevent Splinters On Brooms & Rakes
Break In A Baseball Glove
A brand new baseball glove is always a welcome gift, but the one drawback is that you’ll have to break it in. That can take time and can make it a bit difficult to use at first. Use some WD40 to help break it in and save yourself some time.

Break In A Baseball Glove
Protect Leather Sofas
Leather sofas are a great addition to the home, as they are comfortable and classic. They do require maintenance to keep them in good condition and help avoid those horrible and unsightly cracks. You can use a little bit of WD40 to help keep your leather couch in good condition.

Protect Leather Sofas
Bait Fish
While it might seem a little strange, a lot of fishermen swear by this trick. You can use WD40 to help attract more fish by spraying fishing lures beforehand. It probably won’t hurt to try it out.

Bait Fish
Clean The Grill
If you’ve hosted a big barbecue, you know that the hardest part of cleanup is cleaning the grill. Any burnt on fat and food debris can be really tough to get off the grill, but WD40 can help out in this situation too. Simply spray some on directly to the messy part and scrub away the greasy mess.

Clean The Grill
Separate Stuck Legos
There’s a reason why so many kids absolutely love Legos: they are super fun. What’s not fun is when two pieces are stuck together and seem to be impossible to separate. You can try to spray some WD40 in order to try to help get the little pieces apart.

Separate Stuck Legos
Separate Flower Pots
Continuing the theme of items that are stuck together, a lot of times flower pots that are stacked together can seem to fuse together and are difficult to remove. WD40 comes to the rescue again. Spray a bit in between the pots and watch them come apart easily.

Separate Flower Pots
Dig Faster
Digging into the ground is not always as simple and straightforward as you might think. When the job is more difficult than you expected, you can actually spray the shovel with WD40 in order to help make the job much easier.

Dig Faster
Clean Coffee & Tea Stains
Enjoying a cup of coffee or tea is one of life’s greatest pleasures. One of life’s greatest displeasures is finding a stain left behind by these wonderful drinks. Once again, you can help clean up the mess with WD40.

Clean Coffee & Tea Stains
Clean Fake Plants
If you don’t have a green thumb, you can fake it till you make it by getting some fake plants to brighten up your home. Since they are fake, they’ll need to be cleaned every once in a while. You can actually use WD40 to help keep your fake plants looking shiny and brand new.

Clean Fake Plants
Remove Ink Stains
We know that ink stains are some of the toughest stains to deal with. While many times it is too late to save the shirt, you can try using WD40 as a last chance to try to remove the tough stain. Spray some on next time you find a stain that seems impossible to get out.

Remove Ink Stains
Clean Unwanted Dog Waste
Taking a walk in the great outdoors can be super fun and relaxing, but something that can totally ruin that experience in stepping a smelly pile of dog poo. Luckily, you can use our trusty WD40 to help wipe away the gross mess. Of course, it’s best to try to watch your step and avoiding stepping in it at all.

Clean Unwanted Dog Waste
Clean Brushes
We can sometimes forget that the items we use to keep ourselves cleaned and groomed need to be cleaned themselves. Let’s ask you now: when was the last time you clean any brushes or combs? Spray a bit of WD40 directly on them and then soak in water. Rinse them off and let them dry, and you’ll thank us next time you use the brushes.

Clean Brushes
Waterproof Shoes
Have you ever purchased brand new shoes only to have them ruined when you’re caught outdoors in unexpected rain? You can waterproof your shoes right after buying them in order to help prevent these unwanted situations. Use some WD40 to do this. You can also waterproof your hat and coats as well.

Waterproof Shoes
Clean Toothpaste Stains
Nothing makes a bathroom counter more gross than toothpaste stains left behind. While we’re all guilty of this every once in a while, you should really do your best to clean these up. Easily wipe away these nasty stains with a bit of WD40.

Clean Toothpaste Stains
Clean Bug Splatters
Everyone’s experienced a poor bug flying into their car, leaving a nasty splattered mess behind. While it can be annoying to clean, you can really make your life a lot easier with the cleanup by using some WD40.

Clean Bug Splatters
Clean Bathroom Tiles
Cleaning the bathroom is one of the most annoying things you have to deal with on a regular basis. That’s especially the case when it comes to cleaning up the mildew and dirt that gets on the bathroom tiles. You can spray some WD40 on the toughest stains to help get it out in no time.

Clean Bathroom Tiles
Silence The Squeak
Those brand news shoes are super exciting to wear until you hear that annoying new sneaker squeak. You can actually get rid of this annoying sound by spraying some WD40 on the bottom of the shoe. Everyone around you will thank you as well.

Silence The Squeak
Prevent Snow Buildup
Snow that falls nonstop and accumulates on the windows can actually cause some damage to the windows themselves. You can do a preemptive strike and spray some WD40 on the windows before the snow starts to fall. That way you won’t have to deal with a big snowy mess.

Prevent Snow Buildup
Prevent Wasps
We know that WD40 can help prevent bugs and pests from entering your home, but this can also help when it comes to wasps. Spray some around your deck and around the house so you can enjoy time outside without having to worry about those pesky wasps.

Prevent Wasps
Tone Down The Polyurethane Shine
Some people like shine that the polyurethane leaves behind on your wooden floors. However, if it is too bright for you, then you can tone down the shine by spraying the floor with WD40 and then spreading it around with a cloth.

Tone Down The Polyurethane Shine
Prosthetic Help
Prosthetics are a wonderful invention that have helped millions of people around the world. They can sometimes be a bit tricky to remove, and WD40 can help out with easing the difficulty.

Prosthetic Help
Remove Dried Glue
Any dried glue residue left behind will certainly be annoying. You don’t have to worry if you have a can of WD40 on hand, as it can help you about. Use a couple of sprays and wipe away the residue easily within damaging the surface.

Remove Dried Glue
Degrease Hands
If you are ever handling grease, you know that if it gets on your hands it can be quite hard to remove. If you’ve got WD40 on hand, you can degrease your hands and get that mess off, especially when soap and water aren’t any help.

Degrease Hands
Clean Carpet Stains
If you ever find a big stain on your carpet, we understand if you’ve been intimidated by the idea of cleaning it. You can absolutely use some WD40 to help scrub that stubborn stain out of your beautiful carpet.

Clean Carpet Stains
Remove Tomato Stains
Tomatoes are a wonderful vegetable (or fruit, but we’re not here for that debate) that can be used in a myriad of ways. One annoying thing about tomatoes is that they are sometimes pretty messy. Guess what, though. You can use WD40 get the tomato stains out.

Remove Tomato Stains
Clean The Fridge
It’s pretty common for the inside of the fridge to be left off the list of things that need to be cleaned around the house. Spilled food and little bits stick to the shelves and things can get really gross, as well as cause a nasty smell. Use WD40 to get those caked on messes.

Clean The Fridge
Pre-Wash Treatment For Blood Stains
It seems like any time we wear light colored clothes, we become magnets for spills. The same goes for scaring your knees, which for some reason always seem to happen when we’re wearing white. You can pre treat any blood stains with WD40 to help remove them for your clothes.

Pre Wash Treatment For Blood Stains
Clean Off Old Wax
Any surfer will tell you that it is quite important to maintain the surf board on a regular basis. That includes waxing the board, and also getting previously applied wax off the board too. WD40 can help get all of the old wax off before applying a new layer.

Clean Off Old Wax
Prevent Boat Corrosion
Any Friends fan will tell you what Rachel Green’s father told her: rust is like cancer for a boat. Corrosion is a boat’s biggest enemy, so you should really do your very best to help prevent this. WD40 is a good tool to use in order to help prevent rust on your boat.

Prevent Boat Corrosion
De-Barnacle Your Boats
Speaking of boats, another issue that comes up to plague the boat is when barnacles attach themselves on the side. Although we may associate barnacles with pirate ships, they are definitely not something you want on your boat. WD40 can help when you’re trying to scrape them off and get rid of the barnacles.

De-Barnacle Your Boat
Protect Golf Clubs
Any golf fans, whether casual or avid fans, will know how important it is to keep your golf clubs in great condition. While there are plenty of ways to keep them clean with a lot of specialized products, you can also use WD40 to do the same trick.

Protect Golf Clubs
Loosen Spark Plugs
Spark plugs that get stuck are not just frustrating but they can be downright dangerous. Removing them can be tricky, but by using WD40 you can make the job a lot easier and a whole lot less frustrating.

Loosen Spark Plugs
Clean Old Saws
Saws are great versatile tools to have in our toolshed. The one thing that you should make sure is to keep it clean and prevent it from rusting. As you might have guessed, WD40 is great in this situation too.

Clean Old Saws
Prevent Wicker Noise
Spending time in an outdoor space with comfortable wicker furniture is a guaranteed good time. The one annoying thing is when the wicker makes those annoying creaking noises while you’re sitting on them. Spray some WD40 in order to help prevent this from happening.

Prevent Wicker Noise