The Incredible Entebbe Rescue Of 1976

Published on April 1, 2018

Splitting Up The Hostages

While the terrorists held the hostages, they split them up into two groups. The first group was made up of passengers who carried Israeli passports, and included other Jewish people who were citizens of other countries. They were forced into a separate room where they were guarded by both the terrorists and Ugandan soldiers. The second group consisted of all the other passengers and the French airline crew.

Splitting Up The Hostages

Splitting Up The Hostages

Releasing The Non-Jews

The second group was released in two batches, and flown to Paris. The French captain who flew Flight 139 to Uganda refused to go back to Paris and told the terrorists that all the passengers were his responsibility. His crew members agreed with him and stayed with the remaining Israeli and Jewish passengers while the others flew to safety.

Releasing The Non Jews

Releasing The Non-Jews