Check Out These Funny Restaurant Signs and Try Not To Laugh

Published on July 6, 2022
Many people drive around town and see marquee signs for restaurants, retail shops, and more. They help you get a sense of what’s happening, and it could make you stop and grab something to eat or do some shopping.

With so many signs around the world, it’s hard to remember all of them. However, some of them are so funny and catch you off guard. In these cases, you’re likely to whip out your smartphone and snap a photo. That’s what the people did below, and they’re compiled for you to get a good, hearty laugh. Check them out now!

Philosophy 101 from El Arroyo

El Arroyo has many hilarious signs, but the one below gives people pause. It’s an Austin-based restaurant that features cheeky jokes and dad puns, but now it’s into philosophy. You can’t say the sign is wrong, either!

Philosophy 101 from El Arroyo

Philosophy 101 from El Arroyo

The Colonel’s Freudian Slip

KFC is a popular fast-food chain. If you want some chicken and sides, it’s the best place to go. However, it might not be everyone’s favorite eatery, as the sign suggests that the food is “uneatable.” We think they meant “unbeatable,” but it’s hard to be sure!

The Colonel's Freudian Slip

The Colonel’s Freudian Slip


Didn’t Have a Calendar

Many restaurants are open six days per week or stay available seven days. However, one eatery had the nerve to say they were open eight days a week but also closed on Sundays. No one knows how it’s possible, but it must be futuristic if it can change time!

Didn't Have a Calendar

Didn’t Have a Calendar


Needs Another Look

Initially, this sign appears to say something mean about the food served. However, it’s really wordplay based on Snoop Dog (a famous music artist) and the name of the famous soup. You can’t help but crave Vietnamese food after seeing it!

Needs Another Look

Needs Another Look


The End

This sign shows that everything comes to an end at some point, even though the food doesn’t. Step inside, eat some treats, and enjoy yourself. That might not be the best idea since overeating could lead to high blood pressure, obesity, and other issues.

The End

The End


The Let-Down

Some people enjoy exercising, but even they need a day off. Typically, when a friend asks you to go for pie and lattes, you get excited. When you wind up at the yoga studio, it’s likely a letdown. Maybe you could have some tasty treats after the workout!

The Let-Down

The Let-Down


Happy Mother’s Day

El Arroyo is here again with a sign to bring out some laughs for people young and old. When kids work hard, they might call out “mom” instead of their teacher’s name. It shouldn’t be a problem for either person because they’re all focused on the children.

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother’s Day


Purr from the Savings

Many places offer something great for an oddity. This sign says that if you “meow” 10 times during your order, you get a percentage off the bill. Plus, it has a great drawing. Regardless, the employees probably got tired of human kitties.

Purr from the Savings

Purr from the Savings



Some of the signs were hilarious, helped you save money, or ponder life’s ideals. However, this one almost makes you want to cry. The restaurant has nothing and says that you aren’t special yourself. Hopefully, diners at GNTRBT know they get delicious food!




Bad Review Equals Good Business

Yelp helps people all over the world understand various businesses, and it offers good and bad reviews. One reviewer claimed that this restaurant didn’t serve excellent meatball sandwiches, and someone created a sign around it!

Bad Review Equals Good Business

Bad Review Equals Good Business


The Cops

El Arroyo is at it again with another clever sign. It makes people think about dogs who see K-9 units and worry that they might get arrested. While it’s not life-changing, you should get a good laugh while you head inside to enjoy delicious food!

The Cops

The Cops


Must Eat Here

It’s always good business to threaten potential diners. This sign shows you that if you don’t eat at the establishment, the employees make no money and starve. Plus, you might go hungry yourself. It’s punchy and only uses seven lines for its message!

Must Eat Here

Must Eat Here


Just Pick One

This El Arroyo sign indicates that most couples have a problem picking an eatery. If you’ve ever asked where to go for dinner and got an “I don’t know,” you know the struggle. Now, you’ve got an option because you’ll think of this restaurant each time!

Just Pick One

Just Pick One


Visual Aid

Most restaurants list the drinks available, but this establishment took it a step farther by adding individual photos of each beverage, such as lemonade, tea, and soft drinks. It’s unnecessary, but it could help those who can’t decide!

Visual Aid

Visual Aid


Cheap Pizza Is Excellent

This sign tells what the restaurant sells and offers a deal. Could it really sell pizzas for $1?! The Philosoraptor, as it’s called, is a deep thinker and wonders why all pizza places can’t sell their goods at affordable prices like this.

Cheap Pizza Is Excellent

Cheap Pizza Is Excellent


Just Don’t

Some restaurants know that words aren’t enough. This one must be in another country, and things have gotten pretty bad. The owners had to beg people not to overturn tables. That’s often considered poor behavior, so we’re not sure why it had to be illustrated.

Just Don't

Just Don’t


Alex’s Only

While the poem seems odd, some people are sure to laugh. The strangeness comes more from the name of the restaurant. Does Alex own it? Are the employees named Alex? Can only men and women named Alex eat there?

Alex's Only

Alex’s Only


Spinning Songs for Signs

You’ve probably heard the song by Sir Mix-A-Lot called “Baby Got Back.” The lyrics focus on ladies with large behinds, and El Arroyo is at it again. With a play on words, it turned it into asking people to dine there because of the hilarious puns.

Spinning Songs for Signs

Spinning Songs for Signs


Following Orders

Something must have gotten lost in the translation here. While the boss likely said to write something witty on the board, they meant the employee should think of a funny pun. Instead, they followed the directions literally!

Following Orders

Following Orders


Choose an Opponent

Philosophy reigns again because El Arroyo staff want to know if you wish to fight a duck the size of a horse or 100 horses the size of a duck. It’s hard to know which one you might pick, but you can think about it while you eat.

Choose an Opponent

Choose an Opponent


Not Very Good

Most people have to think about this one a bit. When they understand it, they just roll their eyes. El Arroyo has many funny signs here, but that’s not the best one. We wonder how many people went over to Taco Bell instead.

Not Very Good

Not Very Good


The Golden Days

This restaurant doesn’t offer free WiFi, which seems to be everywhere now. Instead, the owners want you to talk to people IRL (in real life) and have conversations that don’t stem from a phone or tablet. It’s a great idea, but we’re not sure it went far.

The Golden Days

The Golden Days


Chameleon Eatery

Here’s another sign where the restaurant thinks threatening diners is the best way to bring in more business. How do you order without a menu? What do you deserve? Many people might be scared to go here.

Chameleon Eatery

Chameleon Eatery


Good News

This sign feels like the bottom of the barrel for positive reviews. We hope the owner of the establishment would eat there. However, you probably worry that they’re the only one. Overall, we must know more before we stop in!

Good News

Good News


Now You’re Talking

This sign ticks all the boxes because it’s interesting. You instantly know it sells meat. Then, you find out the owners want to advertise and do so well because it’s slightly humorous. Regardless of where you stand, you want to eat that meat!

Now You're Talking

Now You’re Talking


Trying too Hard

El Arroyo puts up some zinger signs, but this wasn’t one of them. The pun is surely there because the mean of a number set is the average. However, it’s obvious enough for any 8th grader to get the punchline effortlessly.

Trying too Hard

Trying too Hard


Just Eat It

This restaurant is tired of people taking photos of the food while it’s still hot. Therefore, it started threatening patrons with concussions if they posted their meals on Instagram. It makes sense to eat it while it’s warm, but dang!

Just Eat It

Just Eat It


The Nerve

El Arroyo is here again to pass jokes. This sign wishes the reader a happy whatever-doesn’t-offend-you day. With so many political issues and different viewpoints, we can’t say the restaurant owner is wrong, but it still feels a little wishy-washy.

The Nerve

The Nerve


The News Doesn’t Matter

Sometimes, a pick-me-up is in order. You want to get served something tasty after a long day and forget about your troubles. This restaurant knows how you feel, so it doesn’t matter if you’re okay or not. You still get something delicious and soothing.

The News Doesn't Matter

The News Doesn’t Matter


The Truth at Last

Neon signs often malfunction in funny ways, and this one is no different. Is the restaurant warning that the food is nasty? That’s highly unlikely. Instead, the signage is experiencing technical difficulties, so the eatery probably has delicious treats.

The Truth at Last

The Truth at Last


Socks Are Out

Many people like to wear socks with sandals, though it looks slightly funny. However, you better not test this restaurant while performing that faux pas. It’s closed to you until you understand how footwear works!

Socks Are Out

Socks Are Out


Wait a Minute

Hipsters have turned themselves into the punchline of a joke, and most people don’t call themselves that anymore. However, we’ve all got a little hipster in us because we want the newest cool thing. This simple pun tells us this establishment sells coffee!

Wait a Minute

Wait a Minute



We all know that eggs are delicious and simple. Plus, you can cook them in different ways (hard-boiled, scrambled, omelet, etc.). This sign seems to be telling you something, but what? Does it sell eggs? Should you eat more of them?




Drinks for the World

You’ve probably heard of love languages. They’re the ways people show or experience love and include giving/receiving gifts, words of encouragement, acts of service, quality time, and physical touch. This sign ticks some of those boxes because it wants you to buy a round of drinks for the bar.

Drinks for the World

Drinks for the World


Never Thirsty

Those Golden Arches help you save a little money, for sure. Its $1 drink has gotten a little out of hand, apparently. Who could enjoy a 50-foot drink? How would you transport it? Overall, it’s very confusing!

Never Thirsty

Never Thirsty



This sign is slightly risque because it hints that certain professions make it easier to sneak around with the lady of the house. If they weren’t careful, they might not even realize that they have a child and should be celebrating on Father’s Day.




Non-Krabby Patties

Burger King is another popular burger chain. It’s been trying to become more humorous, and this sign is sure to get laughs from the millions of people who watched the show as children. We wonder if Spongebob really was available that day!

Non-Krabby Patties

Non-Krabby Patties


Telling What They’re Selling

El Arroyo has many signs here, but this is the first one that indicates what it sells. It’s part of a joke people make when they’re referring to small sizes. We all know tacos aren’t the first thing to come to mind, right, ladies?

Telling What They're Selling

Telling What They’re Selling


To Serve Man

This sign could make people run screaming before they even step inside. Who wants to eat Jessica’s poor family? Are you sure it’s a hamburger made from a cow you’re munching, or is it something more sinister?!

To Serve Man

To Serve Man


The Secret Is Out

Shame on Wendy’s for letting out its secret. It claims to have fresh and never frozen meat in the burgers, but that’s because they were using their own employees? People aren’t likely to work there anymore after learning that!

The Secret Is Out

The Secret Is Out