Check Out These Funny Restaurant Signs and Try Not To Laugh

Published on July 3, 2022

Many people drive around town and see marquee signs for restaurants, retail shops, and more. They help you get a sense of what’s happening, and it could make you stop and grab something to eat or do some shopping.

With so many signs around the world, it’s hard to remember all of them. However, some of them are so funny and catch you off guard. In these cases, you’re likely to whip out your smartphone and snap a photo. That’s what the people did below, and they’re compiled for you to get a good, hearty laugh. Check them out now!

Philosophy 101 from El Arroyo

El Arroyo has many hilarious signs, but the one below gives people pause. It’s an Austin-based restaurant that features cheeky jokes and dad puns, but now it’s into philosophy. You can’t say the sign is wrong, either!

Philosophy 101 from El Arroyo

Philosophy 101 from El Arroyo

The Colonel’s Freudian Slip

KFC is a popular fast-food chain. If you want some chicken and sides, it’s the best place to go. However, it might not be everyone’s favorite eatery, as the sign suggests that the food is “uneatable.” We think they meant “unbeatable,” but it’s hard to be sure!

The Colonel's Freudian Slip

The Colonel’s Freudian Slip