Check Out These Fascinating Government Classified Photos

Published on July 16, 2020

Project Iceworm

Obsessed with the idea of overtaking the Soviets, the US Government developed an underground state of the art nuclear-powered research plant in a tundra in Greenland.”Porject Iceworm” was the secret project that involved 2500 miles of underground tunnels used to cart around missiles.

Project Iceworm

Project Iceworm

“Borrowing” The Lunik

In 1967, the Soviets gave tours of their Sputnik and Lunik satellite models. However, they didn’t realize that US operatives stole the Lunik to harvest information on how it works and then put it back before the Soviets could notice. One of the operatives later wrote about it in a CIA journal.

Borrowing The Lunik

“Borrowing” The Lunik