A Very Unexpected Speech
Most guests pack tissues for a wedding, expecting to be moved to tears by the heartfelt professions of love, but something entirely unexpected occurred at this particular wedding.

A Very Unexpected Speech
Most Important Day Of Their Lives
A couple’s wedding day might just be the most meaningful day of their lives, full of love and laughter, joy and celebration, and more than a few tears.

Most Important Day Of Their Lives
The Couple
Jefferson and Jessica, a Portuguese couple, were inseparable from day one. After love at first sight, they decided to tie the knot.

The Couple
Portugal, like many European countries, employs a breadth of languages, including English, Spanish, French, and of course the national language, Portuguese, which Jefferson and Jessica used when writing their vows.

Looking Great!
On the day of the wedding, everyone looked perfect, from Jessica in her flawless white dress, tiara and veil, to Jefferson in his dapper suit and tie. Everything was set for them to spend the rest of their lives together.

Looking Great
Crowd Waits Anxiously
But Jefferson had a surprise—he was about to make a shocking confession! Nobody could have expected what came next, especially not his bride in waiting.

Crowd Waits Anxiously
An Unexpected Twist
The crowd waited with baited breath to hear what Jefferson had to say. He felt this was going to be one of the most important moments of his entire life.

An Unexpected Twist
Where It All Began
While everything started normally, everyone could tell something was up. Jefferson’s hands shook as he began reading his vows. Was it normal for a groom to be so visibly nervous?

Where It All Began
Best Man
Jefferson’s best man was nearby with a video camera at the ready, and as the couple started reciting their vows, he began recording.

Best Man
The Start Of The Vows
Everything started off smoothly. Surrounded by friends and family, the bride read her vows, proclaiming her unending love and devotion for her future husband.

The Start Of The Vows
Veering Off The Path
When it was the groom’s turn, he started to speak, only to pause for a long moment before starting again. Clearly he had something important to say.

Veering Off The Path
What Made Him Change His Mind
After months of fine-tuning and edits, Jefferson was ready to give his speech. His bride-to-be was prepared to hear him profess his love and undying devotion.

What Made Him Change His Mind
The Perfect Wedding
Up until now, it had been the perfect, fairy tale wedding. Jessica certainly wasn’t prepared for what Jefferson said next!

The Perfect Wedding
A Turn of Events
A perfect dress, a perfect wedding, a perfect husband—what more could a bride ask for? Jessica eagerly awaited Jefferson’s vows, where he’d confess his love for her. But he had other plans.

A Turn Of Events
Not Quite The Usual Speech
With the cameras still rolling, the groom nervously announced that he had a confession to make. There was someone else—at the wedding!—that he truly loved. Everyone, including the bride, was blown away. She did her best to remain calm as she asked herself the question on everybody’s mind: who was this mystery person?

Not Quite The Usual Speech
Was This Actually Real?
Inseparable from the moment they met, Jessica now had to question everything she thought about her relationship and the man she was supposed to marry. She swayed under the rush of emotions. What was going on?

Was This Actually Real@
Someone Else Took His Heart
Jefferson’s eyes drifted away from his bride and over the anxious crowd, searching for his other love. The air seemed to come to a still.

Someone Else Took His Heart
Someone Else
Who was this other woman, who would make all his dreams come true, whom he loved with all his heart? The crowd waited on the edge of their seats.

Someone Else
Significant Other
Obviously, whoever this person was, she was very important to Jefferson. It was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. No one knew what to expect next.

Significant Other
Just The Two Of Us
Jessica couldn’t believe what was happening. She had thought it was love at first sight! Now there was this other woman ruining what was supposed to be her special day.

Just The Two Of Us
Not Always Sunshine And Roses
Was their love as sacred as she had thought? Or had it all been lies from the very beginning? There was at least one big secret between them.

Not Always Sunshine And Roses
The Other Girl
Giovana, the woman whom Jefferson was talking about, would have a key role in the wedding.

The Other Girl
Giovana was also Jessica’s eight year old daughter, born from a previous relationship. Not exactly what everyone was expecting.

Another Love In His Life
Though officially Giovana would become his stepdaughter after the wedding, apparently Jefferson had something to tell her now.

Another Love In His Life
No Longer Just Her And Her Mother
Jefferson knelt before Giovana and read her his speech. It was nothing mother or daughter could ever have expected.

No Longer Just Her And Her Mother
List Of Grievances
Jefferson started by listing off all the annoying things Giovana does, like steal his food and prod him.

List Of Grievances
Digs A Little Deeper
After enduring so much in her short life, Giovana was anxious to hear what her new stepdad had to say.

Digs A Little Deeper
Part 2
Jefferson went on to tell her how excited he was to have a daughter like Giovana. He told her, “If I could ask God anything, it would be to have you as my daughter. I would be the proudest father in the world to have such a beautiful, intelligent, and educated daughter like you.”

Part 2
Words They Will Never Forget
Jefferson’s beautiful speech left everyone in tears. Nothing would make him happier, he said, than to have Giovana be his legal daughter. The crowd looked on in amazement as such a moving display of parental love.

Words They Will Never Forget
A Sweet Gesture
Kneeling at the altar, Jefferson told Giovana how much he loved her, as if she were his own child, promising to love, cherish, and protect her as long as he lived. Jessica would not contain her joyous tears.

A Sweet Gesture
Those All Important Words
At the end of his speech, with his voice breaking from so much emotion, he told his new stepdaughter, “I love you!”

Those All Important Words
Everyone Was In Tears
Everyone, including Giovana and Jessica, broke out in tears. Taking the microphone, Giovana thanked her new stepdad.

Everyone Was In Tears
I Love You!
Wrapping his stepdaughter in his arms, Jefferson told Giovana, “I love you, my love!”

I Love You
More To Come
Wiping her tears with a napkin, Giovana hugged her stepdad. With him still kneeling, and now crying too, it was her turn to speak.

More To Come
Giovana’s Turn
Giovana thanked her new stepdad in a moving speech, telling him that despite not being his biological father, he would always be “the father of my heart.”

Giovanas Turn
Not A Dry Eye In The House
Now it was Jefferson’s turn to burst out in tears. Luckily little Giovana had some tissues to share with her new stepdad.

Not A Dry Eye In The House
Warm Embrace
Having expressed their love, father and daughter hugged each other close. The wedding guests surged to their feet with thunderous applause.

Warm Embrace
The Video Went Viral
A quick search on Youtube reveals thousands of moving vows, hilarious speeches, and failed proposals. Not every video, however, garners a million views. So what makes the story of Jefferson, Jessica, and Giovana so touching?

The Video Went Viral
Unique Video Sensation
The video, uploaded in February 2017, stands out from the rest. Even though the speeches are in Portuguese, one doesn’t have to understand the language to see what is going on. Make sure to have some tissues handy, it’s guaranteed to bring a tear to your eye!

Unique Video Sensation
Elements Of The Viral Video
As the video begins, we see a couple exchanging vows, surrounded by friends and family, who are just as shocked as the viewer when Jefferson makes his surprising confession.

Elements Of The Viral Video
Elements Of The Viral Video
In the video, Jefferson takes the microphone and addresses the crowd. Though he attempts to keep things light, the emotion in his voice is evident to everyone.

Taking The Mic
The video captures Jessica and Giovana’s emotional reactions. What a touching scene!

The World Moved
Could this be the most heartfelt wedding speech ever? The video attracted millions of views shortly after it was put online.

The World Moved
Magnanimous Attention
In less than 8 months, the video had been viewed over 10 million times! Maybe with everything going on in the world, people wanted to be reminded that love still exists.

Magnanimous Attention
A Beautiful Reaction
The reaction was immensely positive, with people commenting their congratulations or expression their joy at watching the touching video.

A Beautiful Reaction
Lessons To Be Learnt
One Youtuber, Jochelle Recto, said that, “Even if the language is foreign, it still made me cry.” What an important lesson and sweet sentiment!

Lessons To Be Learnt
No Matter The Language
Truly, this video shows that no matter the language, people can be touched by universal feelings such as love and joy. Who doesn’t love a happy ending? We sure do!

No Matter The Language