What could have happened that made her so excited, and why did her husband choose to leave before ever finding out? Learn about her revenge. Could this woman do something heinous like her husband, or did he get what he deserved? Continue reading to learn more about this heartbreaking and sad story.
Happily Married
Laura assumed that she was happy in her marriage for a long time. However, that ended when she came home one day and found a note that Jack, her husband, wrote for her. He claimed he was leaving her for her sister and felt that a note was the best way to convey that.

Happily Married
The Massive Curveball
He didn’t know what had already happened at the time he wrote the note. Laura actually threw him a massive curveball that he never saw coming. What did this woman have up her sleeve that she could use on him?

The Massive Curveball
The Heartbreaking Letter
Laura couldn’t keep it all together while she read the letter her hubby had left. All she could think was the end of a seven-year marriage for them both. Her response was natural, and almost everyone feels that same way when this situation occurs.

The Heartbreaking Letter
Goodbye Forever
Gravely, Laura struggled to make sense of the words she read. Jack began the letter by addressing her as “dear wife.” Then, the note went on to say he was leaving her forever. Why couldn’t he say all of that in person?

Goodbye Forever
Cloud Nine
Laura had been in a great mood before that because she had received amazing news. It all dissipated when she got that note because it was out of nowhere and so drastic. She had no idea her husband felt that way and had been oblivious to the problems.

Cloud Nine
The Hard Confession to Hear
She couldn’t wait to share this amazing news with Jack, but that surprising confession was there instead. It dampened her mood, so she no longer wanted to tell her husband anything and kept it hidden from everyone.

The Hard Confession to Hear
Her Own Sister
Her husband hadn’t just left her; he decided to be with her sister. Jack’s letter said he had been a good husband and man to Laura for seven years and had nothing to show for this.

Her Own Sister
The Last Straw
He also wrote in the letter that he had been going through a terrible time the last two weeks. The last straw was when Laura’s boss called and told him that she had quit her job. Jack finally decided enough was enough; he was out!

The Last Straw
A Moment Passed
That’s not all. Jack had many more things to say in his letter. He claimed that Laura had come home in the last week and hadn’t noticed his new haircut or realized he was wearing new silk boxers.

A Moment Passed
Signed Your Ex
Jack ended his letter with accusations that Laura was cheating on him or didn’t love him anymore. He wrote that it didn’t matter which it was now because he was gone. After all of that, he signed it “your ex-husband.”

Signed Your Ex
Don’t Come Looking
If all of that wasn’t bad enough, there was another horrible part of the letter. Jack had added a postscript that told Laura not to look for him because he and her sister were moving to West Virginia to be together. She was absolutely heartbroken.

Don’t Come Looking
Bold Statements
Laura had been having a great day at that point, but this letter of betrayal her husband left was just too much. It wasn’t enough for him to go after seven years of marriage. This guy had to hook up with her sister to add insult to injury!

Bold Statements
Perfect Timing
As it turns out, the letter Jack wrote got to Laura at the perfect time. If he’d waited one more day to write it, Laura couldn’t have known his true feelings. In fact, she didn’t realize he was cheating on her and using her sister.

Perfect Timing
Lots of Cash
You’re probably dying to know what Laura’s big news was. She had just won the lottery! While she was hurt and angered by the letter, it was her husband’s loss because she had tons of money and could do whatever she wanted.

Lots of Cash
Met in College
Jack and Laura met in college initially. However, they didn’t feel a connection at first. While they were studying for exams and spent tons of time in the library together, nothing happened. Jack finally dropped out of college to become a bartender.

Met in College
The Downfall
Laura and Jack had no idea that their love story wasn’t meant to last forever. When they first met, they knew they came from opposite places in their lives. That could have led to the eventual demise of their marriage.

The Downfall
Polar Opposites
Laura was from a wealthy family, but she also worked hard in college. However, Jack was a bartender, and it was a part-time job. He had no ambition in life. In fact, Laura’s parents weren’t very happy when the two got married.

Polar Opposites
Romeo and Juliet
Laura’s parent’s disapproved of the relationship from the beginning. They felt that Laura deserved better than Jack. It was too late for them to do anything because their daughter was already in love with that man and didn’t care about anyone else.

Romeo and Juliet
Long-time Regret
Overall, her parents put more pressure on Laura, so she pushed back, choosing to move in with Jack. Seven years later, she realized that she regretted her decision not to listen to her parents. They often know best, but it’s hard to believe that at a young age.

Long-time Regret
A Recent Grad
In a sense, Laura moved to Jack’s one-bedroom apartment after she graduated from college. Everything appeared to go well, but things slowly took a bad turn. Everything was so new to a college graduate.

A Recent Grad
Full of Hope
Jack was used to his apartment, which was grimy and small. The paint was old, the heater didn’t work, and there wasn’t a good maintenance plan. Still, Laura held on to the hope that things could get better with time.

Full of Hope
New Experiences
Laura had never lived with a boyfriend before, so it was all exciting and new. She was enthusiastic about things, and she felt like her life was finally coming together. She believed she had met the love of her life, but she had no idea what would happen later…

New Experiences
Unexpected Ending
Laura felt that Jack should have talked to her in person about these feelings instead of leaving them in a note. It was too late, though. She wanted to tell him the good news, but now the only thing on her mind was that bombshell of a letter.

Unexpected Ending
Sweet Revenge
She tried telling him that he had made a huge mistake, but he didn’t listen. Therefore, she decided to get revenge. Laura had hoped to have luck and win the lottery during her financial struggles. It finally came at the best time!

Sweet Revenge
Coming to an End
Laura’s marriage crumbled with time. It was beautiful while it lasted, but it finally ended. Things could have been different if he had been willing to listen or try, but he felt that her sister was the better choice and left anyway.

Coming to an End
The Life She Knew
Jack had meant the world to her before she read the horrible note he left her. The only thing she ever wanted was to be with him, and she didn’t mind that he couldn’t give her the wealthy life she was used to as a child.

The Life She Knew
Doesn’t Feel Right
This couple had to be careful with money, and Laura chose to help Jack financially. Therefore, she got a job at a restaurant as a waitress. It was near the apartment, so she could walk. Things were getting suspicious after a few years, though.

Doesn’t Feel Right
Gut Feeling
Laura had wanted to spend every waking moment with Jack, so she went to the bar to visit him while he worked. That was so she could see him. However, she noticed hints that he might be cheating on her with someone else.

Gut Feeling
People were looking at her strangely when she went to the bar, but she ignored those suspicions. She should have left because her intuition was telling her to. However, she learned the hard way that those uncertain feelings were true!

Laura bought lottery tickets all the time, but this one had felt different. She couldn’t believe that her dedication had paid off after all of those years. Plus, she felt pretty happy that her husband left her before she told him because it could have changed his mind for the wrong reasons.

Hawaii Trip
After winning, Laura immediately booked two tickets to Hawaii so that she and Jack could celebrate her win. Clearly, she no longer wanted him to go with her on vacation once she got the letter. In fact, she never wanted to see him again!

Hawaii Trip
Not One Cent
She wanted to make sure he couldn’t get even a penny of her lottery money and help him realize she didn’t want him back. You go, girl! After he heard the news, he was shocked. Can’t you imagine him banging his head on the wall for messing up?!

Not One Cent
The Big Win
Laura couldn’t help that she felt happy about the lottery win, even though she was upset about the letter her husband wrote. She started wondering what to do with it all. Could she travel, get a fancy car, buy a large house, or purchase a yacht?!

The Big Win
Laura’s Letter
The first thing she truly wanted was to reply to Jack. Therefore, she began her own note with the words, “dear ex-husband.” She went on to say how she felt after getting his letter, and that he couldn’t have been a good man for those seven years after cheating.

Laura’s Letter
The Real Jack
She said that the meal he always cooked for her was her sister’s favorite. Plus, she turned away from the new boxer shorts because she saw the price tag ($49.99) and realized that her sister had asked to borrow $50 just that morning!

The Real Jack
The Lottery Win
Laura kept writing and talked about leaving her job because she had just won $15 million playing the lottery. It was a clarification point only, and he needn’t bother trying to come back. She had thought it was important to spend time with him to celebrate, but not anymore.

The Lottery Win
Mixed Feelings
Overall, Laura was seriously struggling with her feelings of betrayal and rejection. She had to learn how to cope with everything before she spent the lottery money or gave it much thought.

Mixed Feelings
Quite Overwhelming
It was a lot of money, so she needed to have her head straight before she made any decisions. There was so much to think about, and it all overwhelmed her. Though most people dream about it, it’s not easy to win such a large amount!

Quite Overwhelming
A Pro
Jack was Laura’s husband, and she needed to know how much he might get from her winnings. Therefore, she called her lawyer, Jason Kurland. He specializes in helping those who have won the lottery take care of legal matters. She gave him all the information, including Jack’s letter!

A Pro
Though he specialized in people winning large lottery amounts, he was stumped about how to play the husband-now-ex situation. Still, he said that Jack couldn’t get any of that money because he wrote the letter and admitted to cheating.
