Before Noticing What He Grabs, Man Finds Mysterious Creature

Published on January 5, 2022
When you’re hanging with your friends, you’re never sure what might happen. They might decide to chill at home, go to the mall, or head out on an amazing adventure. For one pair, the amazing things they encountered could have been very dangerous!

What do you do if you believe you’re found a brand-new species? You probably panic, imagine the buzz and glory, and realize how dangerous that situation truly was for you. That’s what happened to Mark in a nutshell.

Most people instinctively grab something without thinking about it, but you might think twice after reading this incredible story!

Huge Discovery

His eyes got very wide before he muttered, “Don’t move,” to his friend. Then, he started backing away from the terrifying scene in front of him. Mark had no idea what was happening, but then he saw claws and legs. This man’s legs froze, and his heart started hammering!

Huge Discovery

Huge Discovery

Mark Pierrot

This was a normal day for Mark, who was 32 years old at the time. He was taking a walk with a friend to a secret location located in Christmas Island National Park. Overall, Mark loved the outdoors, but he had no idea that his trip might come with twists and turns.

Mark Pierrot

Mark Pierrot


Christmas Island

While it’s named Christmas Island, this is actually a tropical destination found between Indonesia and Australia. Mark decided to settle here about three years before, and only 1,400 other residents enjoy what he sees. He initially went there on vacation, choosing to stay because of the serenity.

Christmas Island

Christmas Island


The Adventure

As a new day began to dawn, Mark realized he craved adventure. He proposed the route to David, and they were both excited. Quickly, they ate lunch, packed their gear, and met. Still, they didn’t know what might happen.

The Adventure

The Adventure


The Secret Route

The two men decided to go to a secret hot spring. Earlier, locals told them how to get there, and they were anxious to see it. Some say it’s a well-kept secret, and David and mark just had to check it out to see what the fuss was about.

The Secret Route

The Secret Route



After an hour or so of walking, Mark saw that thick vegetation now blocked the path, and they couldn’t get around it. At first, they thought it was a large boulder, but it ran away. This definitely wasn’t a rock!




Strange Things

What had Mark seen? His blood ran cold, but his friend had not seen it. Mark wanted to follow that creature to learn what it was! However, in hindsight, he probably should have turned around right then!

Strange Things

Strange Things



Once the pair started following it, they located the creature quickly. It had amazing colors and looked somewhat like a crab, but there were big differences. Driven by his curiosity, Mark approached it, which might have been the worst idea ever.





This creature had blue, orange, and red hues and thick legs, showing its powerful stance. Mark was amazed and wanted to get closer. From there, he saw spines in the shell and noticed a clicking sound. As it dawned on him what he found, he almost tripped over his feet.




Making the Connection

This was a prehistoric crab that had been around about 95 million years ago! Mark remembered when he read about it going extinct. He glanced at the creature again, noticing the huge size, big eyes, and bent claws. His heart was pounding in his chest!

Making The Connection

Making The Connection


Prehistoric Crab

Back in 2019, American scientists found the prehistoric crab’s fossil and called it the Callichimaera perplexa because of its unique appearance and beautiful shades of color. Mark decided to take a photo with his phone, wondering if this lost species had somehow reappeared.

Prehistoric Crab

Prehistoric Crab


Staring in Shock

Mark called to his friend while bending down to the creature. As David emerged from the bushes, he said he had been searching for Mark, finally noticing the huge beast. Without even thinking, Mark threw David the phone, asking for a photo op!

Staring In Shock

Staring In Shock


Picking It Up

Automatically, Mark picked up this huge crab to pose with it. Still, he couldn’t have known what might happen. From there, he called on the National Park because he was absolutely sure he had found a lost species. Interest in this creature built quickly.

Picking It Up

Picking It Up


An Anomaly

Max Orchard had lived on the island for 22 years and was a crab expert. He’d worked with researchers from around the globe on the crab species found here. Overall, the location was the anomaly for creatures, so finding new ones wasn’t out of the question.

An Anomaly

An Anomaly


Endangered or a Reappearance

Orchard realized that a species could come back from extinction. Revivalism is where scientists could generate organisms of the same time period. However, he also concurred that Mark could have found an endangered or rare species.

Endangered Or A Reappearance

Endangered Or A Reappearance


Another One

As Mark hung up from the call, he posted his photograph online. David was calling to him and begged him not to move around. Mark was confused and searched around, noticing a 3-meter claw swinging around close to his leg.

Another One

Another One


The Fright

Mark ended up dropping his phone because this was totally unexpected! He stepped back in shock and believed that the creatures were pretty friendly. Therefore, he chose to stay with them while the crab expert made his way to the location. Was this creature forgotten by everyone?

The Fright

The Fright


Coconut Crabs

The moment Max Orchard arrived, Mark presented the creatures to him. Orchard had to smile while he explained that they were only coconut crabs. It was a special species, but it had been on the island for decades. Could they be dangerous to people, though?!

Coconut Crabs

Coconut Crabs


Looking for Something

Max said that one time, he found one that was 4.5kg heavy and 1 meter across. No one really knew how old the species was, either. Suddenly, the crab expert told Mark to show him his hands.

Looking For Something

Looking For Something


A Warning

Most people don’t touch things they’re unfamiliar with, but the coconut crabs were friendly. Orchard checked to make sure that Mark didn’t have cuts on his hands. Otherwise, he had to have a tetanus shot. Still, Orchard provided Mark with a warning.

A Warning

A Warning



Max said that these crabs liked to steal things. He pointed at Mark’s phone, which was in the claw of a crab. Gently, Orchard removed the phone and said that these crabs have a strange behavior. They must steal and break whatever is left behind in their home.




A Notorious History

In the past few years, Orchard had to respond to many threat reports. At one time, the Army was training on Christmas Island and had various rifles. The commanding officer reported that one had gotten stolen. Who could have done it?

A Notorious History

A Notorious History


The Robber Crab

Everyone finally realized that the coconut crab had been the culprit. They found the rifle later, but it was broken to bits. Many reports show that the crabs like to steal shoes and cameras from the tourists if they’re left behind.

The Robber Crab

The Robber Crab


Their Lifespan

Coconut crabs are one of the largest land-based crabs and live to be quite old – up to 120 years! Mark probably played with one that was even older than him. Though they aren’t dangerous, the claws can be harmful, so Mark was a lucky man!

Their Lifespan

Their Lifespan


Rite of Passage

Mark left the coconut crab’s home unscathed. Still, he wondered why the local people hadn’t told him to watch for them. When he asked, they claimed that he had to find out about his island home on his own. However, that post he put on social media was gaining attention!

Rite Of Passage

Rite Of Passage


The Online Stir

Mark’s photo of this unique creature caused a stir online. If you don’t live on that island and know a lot about crabs, you might not guess what he was holding. Many people thought he’d found a brand-new species. He didn’t, but another man might have!

The Online Stir

The Online Stir


Collective Surprise

When one man saw the look on the veterinarian’s face, he knew he hadn’t overreacted. The shock was clear on each person’s face. Everyone grabbed their phones for photographic proof, and no one believed it if they didn’t see it for themselves.

Collective Surprise

Collective Surprise


Clean Freak

Nathan was a very clean person, so he didn’t like for the garbage to pile up in everyone’s yard. However, the sanitation workers in the neighborhood went on strike, so the bags multiplied. He wasn’t aware that his problems were just beginning!

Clean Freak

Clean Freak


The Trash Strike

The rotting stench from food was only held back by flimsy plastic, so it was bound to ooze out. Though Nathan tried using air sprays and scented candles, he couldn’t make it go away. Roughly one week into the strike, he noticed something odd.

The Trash Strike

The Trash Strike


Thinking the Worst

Immediately, Nathan worried that his trash cans had rats or raccoons. Then, he started letting his imagination run wild, coming up with other cringe-worthy scenarios in his mind. While he avoided the trash normally, he must do something now!

Thinking The Worst

Thinking The Worst


Problems Abound

Nathan asked his neighbors if they had been having issues with rodents and learned he wasn’t alone. He thought the solution was to put out tons of mouse traps to lure the pests out for proper removal. However, there was another problem.

Problems Abound

Problems Abound


Out of Control

This man had hoped that the rats came out by themselves to avoid dealing with the trash. He set up traps everywhere, lacing them with tons of tempting foods. When he went to bed that night, he heard a snapping sound.

Out Of Control

Out Of Control



After eating breakfast, Nathan went outside to check. He noticed that many traps were set off, but he couldn’t find any bodies. Then, he heard a strange sound from the huge pile of bags. This wasn’t a vermin squeak!




Strange Sounds

Nathan was hearing a muffled and gurgling sound. He really hoped the trash hadn’t fused with a rat to create a new species (think Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtles). Slowly, he moved the bags, waiting on edge for an attack.

Strange Sounds

Strange Sounds


Dirt and Fur

What had emerged from the trash? It was something with black/gray fur, and it was trying to escape! Nathan wanted nothing more than to run away and refused to grab it. However, then he heard a sound he recognized.

Dirt And Fur

Dirt And Fur


Driving to the Vet

Finally, Nathan reached out to grab the ball of fur. He laid towels in the backseat of his vehicle and headed straight to the veterinarian. This creature must be checked out, and he wondered how long it had been there in the trash!

Driving To The Vet

Driving To The Vet


Professional Help

When the pair finally got to the vet, the high-pitched sounds instinctively got louder. Nathan knew in his heart that this was the right step because the poor animal was hurt. What was it?!

Professional Help

Professional Help


The Street Animal

The veterinary team had to gasp and take photos of this creature. It was a cat, but the fur was a huge mass and matted everywhere. Nathan was in utter shock while they clipped about 7 pounds of fur away to reveal this beauty’s appearance.

The Street Animal

The Street Animal


His True Self

This beautiful street cat had been attracted to the warmth and food from the garbage piles. However, with all of the fur gone, you could see its pure white color. Finally, the veterinarian was ready to give it a bath!

His True Self

His True Self


Friendly Cat

While strays are sometimes aggressive, this one just wanted attention. Nathan chose to give it a home, even though he was a clean-freak at heart. This poor cat now has a forever home because one man was attentive and courageous!

Friendly Cat

Friendly Cat