Mysterious Celebrity Disappearances That Have Yet To Be Explained

Published on March 22, 2023

Jim Sullivan

Jim Sullivan was a singer, songwriter, and guitarist who worked in the industry and released two albums in the 1960’s. In 1975, he left Los Angeles and drove alone with the goal of reaching Nashville. However, he disappeared after last being seen in New Mexico. It is still unclear what happened to him.

Jim Sullivan

Jim Sullivan

Barbara Newhall Follett

Barbara Newhall Follett was a child prodigy novelist who published her fist novel The House Without Windows in January 1927 when she was only 12 years old. She published her next novel, The Voyage of Norman D., when she was 14. In 1939, when she was 25 years old, after she grew suspicious that her husband was being unfaithful to her, she became depressed and decided to walk out of her apartment, leaving her husband behind, and was never seen again.

Barbara Newhall Follett

Barbara Newhall Follett