Pregnant Waitress Is Shocked By What A Police Officer Did While At Her Restaurant

Published on April 12, 2020

Being a waitress can be really tiring, especially if you’re pregnant, being on your feet for long hours. This waitress was in her third trimester and wasn’t feeling well when she got the shock of her life after serving a cop. This is what happened…

Dedicated To Her Job

Courtney Cadigan worked at the Lamp Post diner as a waitress. She may have been eight months pregnant but she still worked as hard as she could and took on extra shifts. She was trying to save for her baby’s arrival.

Dedicated To Her Job

Dedicated To Her Job

Saving Every Cent

Courtney had always believed in the importance of saving, but ever since she found out she was going to be a mom, she made sure to save every cent. Having a baby is expensive, from the hospital fees to diapers and everything else a baby needs and Courtney knew she would have to save every cent.

Saving Every Cent

Saving Every Cent