Pregnant Waitress Is Shocked By What A Police Officer Did While At Her Restaurant

Published on April 12, 2020
Being a waitress can be really tiring, especially if you’re pregnant, being on your feet for long hours. This waitress was in her third trimester and wasn’t feeling well when she got the shock of her life after serving a cop. This is what happened…

Dedicated To Her Job

Courtney Cadigan worked at the Lamp Post diner as a waitress. She may have been eight months pregnant but she still worked as hard as she could and took on extra shifts. She was trying to save for her baby’s arrival.

Dedicated To Her Job

Dedicated To Her Job

Saving Every Cent

Courtney had always believed in the importance of saving, but ever since she found out she was going to be a mom, she made sure to save every cent. Having a baby is expensive, from the hospital fees to diapers and everything else a baby needs and Courtney knew she would have to save every cent.

Saving Every Cent

Saving Every Cent


She Didn’t Complain

Being a waitress can be a very difficult and unrewarding job. You work for long hours and the pay is usually not good either so it’s difficult to make ends meet on your salary. That’s why waitresses rely heavily on tips that customers leave for them.

She Didn’t Complain

She Didn’t Complain


The Last Stretch

The third trimester of pregnancy is the hardest and Courtney was having a particularly difficult day. Her feet hurt and her back ached from being on her feet all day. She’d served a cop and was going to collect the bill when she noticed that he’d left.

The Last Stretch

The Last Stretch


What About The Bill?

She rushed to the table to make sure that the officer had paid the bill. She did not expect what she saw when she opened the leather folder. He scribbled something on the bill and that’s when Claudia rushed to show the manager.

What About The Bill?

What About The Bill?


Not A Regular Face

The Lamp Post Diner is quite a popular eatery in Clementon, New Jersey. Courtney was used to seeing the familiar faces of the regular patrons, which included police officers. But on that day, she didn’t recognize the officer that sat down at her table.

Not A Regular Face

Not A Regular Face


Facing Some Difficulties

Her due date was approaching and she was worried about her finances. That’s why what he jotted down on the bill shocked her to the core. Things had gone sour between her and her baby’s father so she was totally on her own.

Facing Some Difficulties

Facing Some Difficulties


Trying To Move Forward

Courtney was trying to stay positive and move forward for the sake of her unborn child, despite the fact that her baby’s father hadn’t made contact with her in weeks. Even though he had. not been a good boyfriend, she still wanted her baby to know her father.

Trying To Move Forward

Trying To Move Forward


Putting On A Brave Face

She had so much going through her mind and the fact that she didn’t recognize the officer was making her feel uneasy. She had to try and push her anxieties aside and do her job no matter what. She couldn’t let this bother her.

Putting On A Brave Face

Putting On A Brave Face


Something Seemed Off

As she saw the officer sitting at a table in her section of the diner, she immediately felt like something was off. She didn’t recognize him but she had to treat him like any other customer. She put on her best smile and served him.

Something Seemed Off

Something Seemed Off


Calming Her Nerves

Other than not knowing who this officer was, Courtney feared that he might be there for other reason. Maybe it had something to do with her ex? But maybe she was just being paranoid and he was just driving through town and stopped for a bite to eat…the thoughts raced through her mind.

Calming Her Nerves

Calming Her Nerves


She Felt Intimidated

Even though Courtney felt intimidated by the officer, she had to engage him like she would any other patron. She tried being friendly and making small talk about the weather and what was good on their menu, but he just smiled tightly and nodded.

She Felt Intimidated

She Felt Intimidated


A Simple Order

He didn’t seem interested in anything that Courtney was saying and just ordered a glass of water and a simple garden salad. With that, she turned and headed for the kitchen. She felt relieved that she could walk away from the awkwardness of the situation.

A Simple Order

A Simple Order


The Diner Was Filling Up

When she returned from the kitchen, she noticed that the diner had filled up. A couple had sat at the table behind the officer and they were calling for her. She set the officer’s salad down and rushed to take their order and introduce herself.

The Diner Was Filling Up

The Diner Was Filling Up


A Noticeable Belly

The couple soon noticed her belly and saw how tired she looked. They were worried about her working while being so heavily pregnant. She explained how she wouldn’t have a job after the baby was born so she had to work as much as she could now.

A Noticeable Belly

A Noticeable Belly


Expressing Concern

The couple expressed their concern but congratulated her on her first baby nonetheless and wished her all the best. They had no idea that the officer had been listening to their conversation. She took the couple’s order and didn’t notice the cop watching her every move.

Expressing Concern

Expressing Concern


A Mad Rush

The cop had been sitting quietly at his table eating his salad and observing Courtney. Once he finished his salad he asked for the check. Courtney brought him the bill which came to $9 and rushed off again, so she didn’t notice the officer leaving.

A Mad Rush

A Mad Rush


A Wave Of Worry

The moment she noticed that he was gone she panicked, thinking he hadn’t paid. She rushed to the table and picked up the leather folder and was relieved to see he’d left enough cash to cover the bill. But that wasn’t all he had left.

A Wave Of Worry

A Wave Of Worry


An Unexpected Note

She saw that he’d scribbled a note on the bill and her knees went weak just reading it. She didn’t know what to make of it. Did he have a problem with her working while she was pregnant? Or was he just being friendly?

An Unexpected Note

An Unexpected Note


Complete Shock

Reading the note again she realized that he was just being kind and wishing her luck well with her first baby. But as she continued to read the bill, she almost dropped to the ground when she saw the tip amount he had left for her.

Complete Shock

Complete Shock


Angels Among Us

Her first thought was to run to the manager and show him. The officer left her a $100 tip on his $9 bill. Had he made a mistake? Reading the note again she realized he had just blessed her with an incredibly generous tip.

Angels Among Us

Angels Among Us


Shocked Mixed With Joy

She was shocked and overjoyed all at the same time. She recalled how they hadn’t really interacted much and how he had probably overheard her telling the other patrons about it being her first baby. That probably moved him and he decided to do an act of kindness.

Shocked Mixed With Joy

Shocked Mixed With Joy


What A Blessing

Courtney had always heard of stories where people perform such acts of kindness but she had never been a recipient of one. She could sense that something was different about this officer but didn’t realize at the time how he would be a blessing to her.

What A Blessing

What A Blessing


How Could She Thank Him?

She was so grateful for what this police officer had done that she wanted to thank him in person, but she didn’t know who he was or where he worked. How would she find him? She didn’t even know his name but she was determined to find him.

How Could She Thank Him?

How Could She Thank Him?


Trying To Find Him

She contacted the Voorhees Township Police Department, which was the nearest police station to try to track him down. Her father, Brian, was so moved by his generosity that he took to social media and posted a photo of the note he’d left for Courtney.

Trying To Find Him

Trying To Find Him


The Post Went Viral

Brian wrote a few words expressing his gratitude to the mystery police officer that blessed his daughter but this act of kindness did much more. He did not expect his post to be such a hit. The post received thousands of comments, shares, and reactions.

The Post Went Viral

The Post Went Viral


Changing Public Perception

Brian not only thanked the officer for his act of kindness in his post, but he also noted how his negative opinion of police officers has been changed because of it. His misconceptions about cops were shattered and he shared his views with the public in his post.

Changing Public Perception

Changing Public Perception


Going Global

Courtney’s story became known around the world. People started calling Lamp Post Diner to get hold of her because they wanted to help her out financially. It was all so overwhelming. However, despite her efforts, the officer chose to remain anonymous and they respected his wishes.

Going Global

Going Global


One Way To Show Gratitude

Courtney and her family respected the officer’s wishes but they still wanted to show their gratitude somehow. So they bought donuts for the whole team at the Voorhees Police Department. The officers were very grateful and they promised to relay the message to the anonymous cop.

One Way To Show Gratitude

One Way To Show Gratitude


The Day Finally Came

On April 6th, Courtney gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, named Kayleigh Ann. What’s more, Courtney and her baby’s father are back together so their family is complete. Courtney is loving motherhood and is grateful for the free time she has to dedicate to her baby.

The Day Finally Came

The Day Finally Came


Taking A Break

Courtney has taken a break from her job at the diner to focus on her daughter. She always enjoyed her job and she’s shared that she’ll never forget the day she served that mystery officer. 100$ isn’t life-changing but the kindness behind the action meant the world.

Taking A Break

Taking A Break


A Life Lesson

On the day that she received the tip, Courtney was having a bad day, but that tip made her day. It serves as a life lesson that you never know what others are going through and just how much an act of kindness can affect them.

A Life Lesson

A Life Lesson


Spreading Love And Kindness

Giving money isn’t the only way to show kindness. You can show someone you care by giving of your time and being of service to others. Plus, one act of kindness usually results in it being paid forward. That’s why Courtney’s story warmed everyone’s heart.

Spreading Love And Kindness

Spreading Love And Kindness


A Domino Effect

Courtney’s story didn’t only affect her in a positive way, it also affected the diner and the Voorhees Police Department. They got some much-needed exposure and it helped business. She was also overwhelmed by people’s responses. She felt appreciated and valued as a waitress.

A Domino Effect

A Domino Effect


Show Kindness Above All

Her story also gave pregnant women more confidence to work while pregnant without fearing that they would be judged. Courtney also wants to use this opportunity to teach her daughter that hard work and dedication pays off, but more importantly, to always be kind.

Show Kindness Above All

Show Kindness Above All


A Happy Family

Courtney and her boyfriend are now engaged and are very happy. They’re both so grateful for the kindness that the officer shows her that day. They love spending time together with their baby girl and bonding as a family. Kayleigh Ann seems to be a daddy’s girl.

A Happy Family

A Happy Family


It Takes A Village

The saying “It takes a village to raise a child” couldn’t be truer. Family support is so important. That’s why Kayleigh Ann is so blessed to have such a loving godmother, Hailey. She’s Courtney’s younger sister and loves her goddaughter as if she were her own.

It Takes A Village

It Takes A Village


Daddy’s Little Girl

Courtney couldn’t be happier that her baby’s father came back and that they managed to mends things because she wanted Kayleigh Ann to know her dad. Now, it’s obvious that she’s a real daddy’s girl. The pair love spending time together be it playing or napping together.

Daddy’s Little Girl

Daddy’s Little Girl


Mother-Daughter Quality Time

Courtney is absolutely besotted with her precious baby girl and she tries to spend as much time with her as she can. Kayleigh Ann loves spending time with her mom too. She especially loves watching baby videos on Courtney’s phone. They really are inseparable!

Mother Daughter Quality Time

Mother Daughter Quality Time


Forever Grateful

Courtney will always remember the day when she was so anxious and worried about how she would provide for her daughter as a single mom. Then the anonymous police officer came into the diner and with his one act of kindness changed her life forever.

Forever Grateful

Forever Grateful