Raquel Welch was a famous poster girl during the 1960’s, but she was also a star who influenced the image of a leading female actress. She was quickly recognized for her talents, and eventually would change the idea of female Hollywood stars into something completely new. Now she’s 77 years old and she’s still active as ever. This is her story.
The Beginning
On September 5th, 1940, Jo Raquel Tejada (Raquel Welch) was born in Illinois, Chicago. She had an interesting mix of Spanish descent from her father’s side and English descent on her mother’s side. Her mother’s ancestors arrived in America on the Mayflower.
Young Ballerina
From a young age, Raquel was a performer and she found ways to capture people’s attention. From the age of seven until she was seventeen, she took ballet classes and did quite well. But her ballerina aspirations came crashing down when her teacher said that she didn’t have the right build for ballet.