The Most Gorgeous Female Politicians

Published on October 5, 2017

Loretta Sanchez

Former representative in the California Congress, Loretta currently has her sights set for a seat in the US Senate in California. If she’s successful, this will make her the first Latina to ever serve in the US Senate. Truth be told, with her looks and intelligence, she’s got a fighting chance.

Loretta Sanchez

Loretta Sanchez – America

Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic

Currently the 4th President of Croatia, Kolinda is making waves as she was the first woman in Europe to defeat an incumbent president who ran for re-election. Just this year alone, Forbes magazine names her the world’s 46th most powerful woman. You go, girl!

Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic

Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic – Croatia