The latest US political election result has had a lot of people digging in, rolling up their sleeves and investigating just what it is the President of the United States can actually do. Contrary to popular belief, the President cannot do that much, America is not a dictatorship people. Go ahead and check out this list of 25 things the President CAN actually do.
Two Terms
The President may serve only two terms in office if elected to do so. Two terms means four years each in office so a grand total of eight. Do you think they get chocolate gift baskets at the end or do the perks they have totally outweigh any basket? Yeah we’re guessing its the latter.
Commander in Chief
As the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, yes, the President can direct troops where he wishes. If its for humanitarian relief and aid (like when the Ebola crisis happened in East Africa). If the President chooses to move the troops to a hostile place to fight for America then he has 90 days for Congress to approve that act. It is important to note that the President cannot actually declare war, Congress is the only one who can.