10 Awful Exercises for People Over 40

Published on October 5, 2016

Shoulder Presses Behind the Neck

Shoulder presses with a dumbbell or a barbell can be a great way to get those boulder shoulders that you’ve always wanted. When you are younger you are more capable of doing explosive shoulder presses but you should never do presses behind your neck. Presses behind your neck are as problematic as lat pulldowns behind your neck, only there are heightened risks due to the loose nature of the barbell. Older individuals in the gym need to be careful when performing presses and they need to avoid behind the neck movements completely. As we mentioned above, any lift behind your neck will feel unnatural and be a cause for concern.

Shoulder Presses Behind the Neck

Shoulder Presses Behind the Neck


Gym rats far a wide are going to shed a tear the day that they have to hang up deadlifts. Deadlifts are an excellent compound lift when you are in peak condition, however as you age and your body starts to wear down a little bit you will need to be consider avoiding this lift. Your biggest problem with deadlifts is going to come down to concerns with your lower back. Having poor form when performing even a single deadlift can be absolutely devastating to your back. Opt instead for performing dumbbell deadlifts or kettlebell deadlifts as you can go with a lower weight that will be less likely to cause injury. Still, with all exercises you need to make sure that you are following proper form.

