Weight Loss Program Fails: Strangest Death-Row “Last Meal” Requests

Published on October 25, 2017

Grilled Cheese And Radishes

Stephen Wayne Anderson received all the food he ordered for his last meal. He got two grilled cheese sandwiches with radishes, one pint of cottage cheese, a corn mixture, one slice of peach pie, and one pint of chocolate chip ice-cream. Those were the last things this contract killer ate.

Stephen Anderson

Grilled Cheese And Radishes

29,000 Calories

No, you didn’t read that incorrectly. Gary Carl Simmons Jr. actually ordered so much food that the calorie count hit 29,000! He got his Pizza Hut medium Super Supreme Deep Dish pizza, 10 packs of Parmesan cheese, 10 packs of ranch dressing, a family-size bag of nacho cheese Doritos, 8 ounces of jalapeno nacho cheese, 4 ounces of sliced jalapeno peppers, 2 large strawberry milkshakes, two cherry Cokes, one super-sized order of McDonald’s fries with extra ketchup and mayo and two pints of strawberry ice-cream. Whether he finished it or not, we don’t know.

Gary Carl Simmons Jr.

29,000 Calories