Humans Beware, These are the Most Dangerous Sharks

Published on October 19, 2017

Spotted Wobbegong Shark

Well, this carpet shark can be pretty tough to distinguish from other Wobbegongs. Their powerful bit not only inflicts pain, but severely lacerates its victims. Again, this shark clamps onto its victims and will not release. On the records, there have been sixteen bites on humans.

Spotted Wobbegong

Spotted Wobbegong Shark

Porbeagle Shark

Found in cold and temperate waters, the porbeagle has been recorded at three bites so far. This shark will even bit boats. Though there is some debate whether this shark is more dangerous than the record states. There’s an anecdote of a fisherman who was attacked when a porbeagle leaped out of the water and ripped the man’s clothing. Recently, there are videos of probeagles charging at oil platform divers. For now, we’ll just keep our distance.

Porbeagle Shark, Canada

Porbeagle Shark