Humans Beware, These are the Most Dangerous Sharks

Published on October 19, 2017

Lemon Shark

Despite its seemingly innocent name, this shark is no joke! Lemon sharks grow up to eleven feet long. Due to their presence in shallow subtropical waters, they often come into contact with humans. Although, not traditionally thought of as aggressive, this close contact has resulted in at least ten attacks.

Lemon Shark

Lemon Shark

Nurse Shark

Despite the nurturing nature of its name, the nurse shark can become aggressive quickly. They weigh up to an enormous 330 pounds. Fortunately, their bite isn’t strong enough to typically result in fatality. Although, they are know to latch onto prey. Occasionally, surgical tools were needed to release victims from their grip! They rank in number four of recorded bites. Perhaps, divers are fooled by their sedentary nature into becoming too comfortable around these creatures.

Nurse Shark

Nurse Shark