The Most Surprising Facts About The Johnny Carson Show That Have Come To Light

Published on June 4, 2020

His Favorite Watering Hole

Carson could frequently be found at a Manhattan bar called Jilly’s Saloon. The bar, which was located at West 52nd Street and Eighth Avenue, happened to be owned by a guy named Jilly Rizzo, who was a good friend of Frank Sinatra since the two were young boys.

His Favorite Watering Hole

His Favorite Watering Hole

Mixed Up With The Wrong Crowd

One time while Carson was at Jilly’s, he noticed a attractive brunette woman when she walked into the bar. The comedian decided to start to chat her up, but he unfortunately made a grave error in doing so. Apparently, she was the girlfriend of a “major figure in the criminal underworld,” and he got in a bit of trouble.

Mixed Up With The Wrong Crowd

Mixed Up With The Wrong Crowd