The Incredible Entebbe Rescue Of 1976

Published on April 1, 2018

Flying To Entebbe

On Saturday afternoon, 3rd of July 1976, a team of 100 commandos set out on a 4,000 km flight from an air force base in southern Israel to Entebbe airport. The four Hercules planes carried the commandos down the African east coast, sometimes flying as low as 20 meters above the ground to avoid radar detection. The planes would not all land during the operation, one would circle above providing communication services to all forces involved.

Flying To Entebbe

Flying To Entebbe

Tricking The Terrorists

Once the planes touched down on the main airport’s runway, the crews departed on Jeeps and Land Rovers. Soldiers dressed up like Ugandan soldiers and even painted their faces to disguise themselves as Idi Amin’s men while they drove a black limousine, just like his, towards the terminal. Both the terrorists and the Ugandan soldiers thought that Idi Amin had returned in the middle of the night. This would grant the attacking force critical seconds to neutralize the enemy.

Tricking The Terrorists

Tricking The Terrorists