Young Couple Go Viral After Big Transformation

Published on June 11, 2018

Cooking VS Eating Out

It’s no secret that a bad habit is hard to break, but once you do it, a huge weight is lifted off your shoulders. “The hardest part of our journey was changing our relationship with food. To go from eating out for every single meal to teaching myself how to cook every single day to meal prepping together, it was a very drastic change,” explains Lexi.

Cooking VS Eating Out

Cooking VS Eating Out

Not Paying Attention

When the couple opened a YouTube page, they didn’t realize that it would become a public platform for answering questions. Someone once asked how they gained so much weight while they were dating and Lexi simply said, “I don’t think we realized in actuality how large we were because I look at progress pictures and I’m like, ‘That was me. That doesn’t even look like me.’ We didn’t feel like it was a problem.”

Not Paying Attention

Not Paying Attention