Sam Elliott – His Story Is Truly Something Else

Published on July 5, 2018

In His Blood

While the reason certain actors are drawn to certain roles might forever remain a mystery, it is not hard to imagine why Elliott found himself playing so many cowboys. Elliott’s family has their origins in the Old West. “I have a heritage from the West. My family had a relative in the Alamo. I’ve got history to Texas… It is because of that I always hearken to [western roles], that family heritage.”

In His Blood

In His Blood

Not Just An Actor

While his credentials as an actor are considerable, Elliott is a man of many talents. Whether producing, writing, or singing, Elliott gave it his all. He often tried to marry his passions, like when he played “Ben the Cow” in the film Barnyard, in which he sings, “I Won’t Back Down.”

Not Just An Actor

Not Just An Actor